The entire spectrum of companies in the experience industry:
Hotel, Restaurant, Office Space Hotel, Conference Center, Inn, Café, Zoo, Hostel, Museum, Music Festival, Brasserie, Casino, Recreational Beach Park, Stadium, Safari Camp, Concert Hall, Castles & Manors, Bed & Breakfast, Tourist Office, Camping, Golf Center, Cleaning Companies, Stadium, Tourist Association, Holiday Home Rentals, Amusement Park, Hospitality and Tourism Schools, Recruitment Agency, Boutique Hotel, Software System Providers​
400+ companies on the customer list:
Abild Kro, Accor Hotels, Abrahavn, Agerskov Kro, AK-Techotel, Albatros travel, Amadeus, Arp-Hansen Hotel group, Ascot Hotel, Astoria Hotel, Avenue Hotel, Axel Hotel Guldsmeden, Babette Guldsmeden, Ballebro Færgekro, Bautahøj, Berning & Leonhardt, Bernstoff Slot, Best Western, Bodilles kro, Best Western Golf Hotel Viborg, Brasserie le Coq Rouge, Brundtland Golf & Hotel, Bull For Meatlovers, Bymose Hegn, Cabin Aalborg, Café 1. Række, Café Chr. IX, Canal Street Festival, Casino Copenhagen, Centerplan, Charlottehaven, Chemdry ApS, City Hotel Oasia, Clarion Hotel Plaza, Colour Hotel Skagen, Comwell, Copenhagen Admiral Hotel, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen Hospitality College, Copenhagen Island Hotel, Color Hotel Skagen, Copenhagen strand, Crown Plaza, Cumberland hotel, Dalum Uddannelsescenter, Dan Hotel, Danhostel, Danmarks Hotelforening Øst, Danparcs Dayz Resorts, Danske Konferencecentre, DBU, Den Blå Café, Den Gyldne Hane, Destination Disco, DGI-Byens Hotel, Dronninglund Slot, Dyreparken Kristiansand, Eurotourist, Fakkegrav Badehotel, Fakkelgaarden, Filtestedet, First Hotel Europa, First Hotel Grand, Food College Aalborg, Forté, Faarup Sommerland, Faaborg Byferie, First Hotel G & Suites, Fjelstrup Kro, Forenede Service, Fuglsøcentret, Fuglsangcentret, Gentofte Hotel, Givskud Zoo, Gjáargarour, Gl. Brydegaard, Gl. Skovridergaard, Glostrup Park Hotel, Go Hotel, Golf Hotel Viborg, Goore Booker Interiors, Grand B, Grand Hotel, Grimstad Bys Museer, Grønlands Lufthavnsvæsen, Grønlands Turisterhverv, Guldsmeden Hotel, Hellerup Park Hotel, Help@Head, Hilton Copenhagen, Hilton Garden Inn, Himmerland Golf & Country Club, Hindsgavl Slot, Harboøre Hotel, Holkenhavn Slot, Horesta, Hotel Brandan, Hotel Britania, Hotel Casino Marienlyst, Hotel Christiansminde, Hotel Copenhagen Crown, Hotel Alexandra, Hotel Allinge, Hotel Amager, Hotel Arctic, Hotel Astoria, Hotel Balka Strand, Hotel Baltic, Hotel Bel-Air, Hotel Billund Kro, Hotel Byparken, Hotel Bretagne, Hotel Chagal, Hotel Christiansminde, Hotel Corona, Hotel Dagmar, Hotel Danica, Hotel d'Angleterre, Hotel des Nordens, Hotel de 9 små hjem, Hotel Europa, Hotel Eyde, Hotel Faaborg Fjord, Hotel Fjordgaarden, Hotel Fredericia, Hotel Frederiksdal, Hotel Færoya, Hotel Gl. Avernæs, Hotel Gl. Skivehus, Hotel Godthåb, Hotel Hafnia, Hotel Hanstholm, Hotel Haraldskær, Hotel Hebron, Hotel Herløv Kro, Hotel Hesselet, Hotel Hillerød, Hotel Icefiord, Hotel Jens Baggesen, Hotel Klinten, Hotel Knudsens Gaard, Hotel Koldingfjord, Hotel Kong Arthur, Hotel & Konference Gruppen Nordsjælland, Hotel Fjordgaarden, Hotel Kong Frederik, Hotel Legoland, Hotel Lyngheden, Hotel Narsaq, Hotel Narsarsuaq, Hotel Niels Juel, Hotel Nordbo, Hotel Nordsøen, Hotel Ny Hattenæs, Hotel Nørre Vosborg, Hotel Opera, Hotel Park, Hotel Phønix, Hotel Pinenhus, Hotel Postgaarden, Hotel Prindsen, Hotel Randers, Hotel Richmond, Hotel Royal Aarhus, Hotel Sabro Kro, Hotel Saxildhus, Hotel Scheelsminde, Hotel Sixtus, Hotel Skanderborghus, Hotel Sleep2night, Hotel Skarrildhus, Hotel Smedegaarden, Hotel Storebælt, Hotel Strandly, Hotel Strandparken, Hotel Streym, Hotel Svendborg, Hotel Sønderborg, Hotel Troense, Hotel Ummanaaq, Hotel Vinhuset, Hotel Østerport, Huset, Hvalpsund Færgekro, Højstupgård, Hørsholm Golf, Ibis Crown, Ibis Star, Ibis Triton, Idteam, ICV, Sleepwell, Idrætscenter Vendsyssel, Imperial Hotel, ISS, Juelsminde Strand, Jutlandia Hotel, Jørgensems Hotel, Kangerlussuaq Tourism, Kerteminde Vandrehjem, Kokkedal Slot, Kold College, Kolding Hotel Apartments, Koldkærgård, Kollekolle Konferencehotel, Kommandørgården, Konferencecenter Klinten, Kongensbro Kro, Korning Kro, Kragerup Gods, Kronprins Frederik, Krusmølle, Kryb i Ly Kro, Kursuscenter Smålandshavet, Le Meridien, Leading Hotels of the World, Ledernes Konferencecenter, Le Port, Lundgruppen, Lyngby Uddannelsescenter, Lyngby Vandrerhjem, Løgstør Parkhotel, Madkunsten, Marienlyst, Middelfart Kursuscenter, Mercure Copenhagen, Mercure Richmond Copenhagen, Mermaid Hotel, Micros Fidelio, Milling Hotels, Montra Hotels A/S, Morsø Turistbureau, Munkebjerg Hotel, Munkekælderen, Musholm, Nekudemus I/S, Neptun Hotel, Nilles Kro, Nimb hotel, Nordic Hotels, Norlanka Hotel, Norsminde, NP Hotels, Nyborg Strand, Nyminde Gab, Nystrup Camping Klitmøller, Ocean Hotel og Konference, Odder Parkhotel, Odense Sport & Event, Palace Hotel, Park Inn Copenhagen Airport, Papegøjehaven, Pharmakon, Phoenix Copenhagen, Plaza Hotel Group, Post & Telemuseum, Profil Hotels, Præstekilde Hotel, Quality Airport Hotel Dan, Quality Hotel Australia, Radisson Blu Limfjord Hotel, Radisson Blu Silkeborg, Radisson Blu Royal Hotel, Radisson Blu Aarhus, Radisson Blu Odense, Remmen Hotels, Restaurant Barr, Restaurant Gammelhavn, Restaurant Koefoed, Rungstedgaard, Ruths Hotel, Restaurant Saxildhus, Rold Gammel Kro, Rosfjord Strandhotell, Royal Classic Hotels, Rye115 Hotel, Savoy Hotel, Scandic Euston, Scandic Front, Scandic Odense, Scandic Webers, Scheelsminde, Schaeffergaarden, Select Service Partner, Severin Kursuscenter, Sinatur Frederiksdal, Siteminder, Skanderborg Kursus & Conferencecenter, Skjalm Hvide Hotel, Skjoldnæsholm Hotel & Konferencecenter, Skallerup klit, Skodsborg Kurhotel & Spa, Smiril Line, Smålandshavet Kursus- & Konferencecenter, Sofitel Copenhagen Plaza, Sol og Strand, Sophie Amalie Hotel, Spectra, Stay Copenhagen, Steigenberger, Stella Maris Hotel de Luxe, Stendrup & Partners, Stensballegaard, Stop’n Sleep, Strandtangen, Supranational Hotels, Surfcity Guesthouse, Svinkløv Badehotel, Symbion A/S, Sæby Turistbureau, Søhuset, Sømandshjemmene i Grønland, Sørup Herregaard, Tanda Thula Safari Camp, Tivoli Hotel og Congress Center, The Plaza Hotel, The Royal Café, The Square, Toppen af Danmark, Torvehallerne, Travelclick, Tregde Feriesenter, Trusthouse Forte, United Bar & Restaurant, Unity, Universitet i Agder, Usus, Utsikten Hotell, Utsikten Kunstsenter, Vága Airport, Vega, Vejlefjord, Vejlesøhus, Vejen kongreshotel, Vejrø Gruppen, Vest Agder Museet, Villa A Hotel, Villa Maris, Villa Fjordhøj, VilvordeKursuscenter, Vingsted Hotel & Konferencecenter, Visitjammerbugten, Visitmariagerfjord, Visitnordjylland, Visitsørlandet, Visitvesthimmerland, Visitvestsjælland, Vision Service, White Hotel, Zleep Hotels, 71 Nyhavn Hotel
Kaare focuses on:
”Show me your revenue data, and I will ascertain and demonstrate how well it could go”
”Low price may increase occupancy, but also a loss of profit if guests generally are willing to pay more”
”The right price is what customers are willing to pay, but who will pay what, why and when”
"Regardless of willingness/ability to pay, all guest demand is important, but who and when"
”More direct bookings without commission, by increased website visibility on the internet”
“How to ensure the sale of the right product, at the right price, at the right time, to the right customer, for the right period, via the right sales channel”
"Save time and money on cleaning with my task and requirement specification. Do you get the cleaning you pay for and/or what is the cost of the cleaning you want"
"Easier day-to-day operation, through optimal software system utilization, setup and implementation"

Kaare offer consulting services, meeting input, courses and training
À la carte menu:
Revenue Management
Price matrix
Software system implementation
Price optimization
Online visibility
Direct bookingsProfit optimization
Revenue optimization
Software system setup
Software system control
Operational implementation
Operational optimization
Cleaning cost minimization
Housekeeping task / requirement specification
The full package:
Ascertainment of revenue optimization potential, price matrix determination, software system update, secure direct bookings by website visibility, operational implementation, and cleaning cost minimization
Kaare provides consulting assistance and advice, meeting input, courses and training, in collaboration with HORESTA - the national organization for the hotel, restaurant & tourism industry. If the course participant is eligible, compensation can be obtained from the Competence Fund of DKK 980 per day. Read more about the reimbursement options
Contact: Karin Bækby Petersen, Excecutive consultant, kbp@horesta.dk​, +45 35 24 80 24

KHK hospitality support ApS / Kaare Harry Kjerrumgaard / CVR 29001006 / khk@khk.dk / +45 40 944 944 /